“I will never let you kill me. I will destroy your entire world before I let you hurt me again.

9 in NK:01 (age 32)

9 in NK:01 (age 32)

Species Human-Ankar
Status Alive
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns They/Them
Age 32(NK01)
32-33 (NK02)
Height 5’9
Ethnicity Swedish

9 is the only surviving Level 3 subject from Generation 34. They have the extraordinary ability to read other human minds, which they are unable to 'turn off'. Due to this, they grew up not understanding that they were a single consciousness, identifying as every human subject on their level. Their mind-reading, coupled with their traumatic upbringing and adult life, lead to their development of Dissociative Identity Disorder. As the last subject of their generation to graduate they begged for their life on the day they were due to be harvested and were instead selected to become Director Kondoz's assistant.








‘9’ in CPS

‘9’ in CPS

9 in NK:02 (Age 33)

9 in NK:02 (Age 33)