There is no difference. Litan, Ankar, Humanity— I am the Trinity. Three is one, is me. I am God.
Kondoz in NK:01
| Species | Compie (Litan) Human-Ankar | | --- | --- | | Status | Dead | | Gender | None | | Pronouns | They/them (CPS formal) She/her (CPS intimate) | | Age | 1454 (NK:01) | | Height | 7’9” || 236cm | | Ethnicity | Southern Salt Flat Dweller |
Kondoz was the Director of the SOL System, credited for the discovery of intelligent life on SOL-3 (Earth) and specifically the Director of Human Studies. Alongside Assistant Director Xera, they observed, abducted, and experimented on humans from Earth for over 800 years until the meteor impact in 2050. After this mass extinction, Kondoz constructed the SOL-0 Orbiter and began raising humans there in batches of controlled experiments.
Director Kondoz assured First Ankroti that the purpose of these experiments was to prepare humans to join the Ankar Revolution and become Compies in their own right. In reality, they were creating a superweapon: The Tower, an amalgamation of their own ankar material, human neural tissue and bound together with nervous systems of the Human-Ankar hybrids of Level 3. This extension of their ankar granted them access to the immense psychic abilities that emerged in Human-Ankars when kept in severe isolation. Within their vast consciousness they had access to the memories of all of the generations of humans that were harvested, as well as the neural impressions and memories of humans that were abducted and scanned by Xera during Earth observation. Due to their massive power over the fate of whole species, they considered themself to be a god-like being.
The Tower was destroyed by 9 and Seven. Kondoz was killed by Triss on the First Day, after Red attacked the SOL-0 Orbiter in an act of revenge. Their ankar was removed and is currently in the possession of 9.
‘Kondoz’ [kɤn-dɤz] in CPS Direct translation: ‘Salt Eater’