iris quote goes here

Iris in NK:01 (age 15)

Iris in NK:01 (age 15)

Species Human
Status Alive
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age 15 (NK01) 15-25 (NK02)
Height 5’9”
Ethnicity Irish Canadian

Iris is a human born on the SOL-0 Orbiter and raised as a test subject on Level 2, physically isolated but in frequent digital contact with her two friends and fellow Level 2 subjects Tye and Zee. Iris was raised by Qurti as a possible contender to receive an ankar and become the first human Compie.

Iris is an empathetic and intelligent girl whose area of study on Level 2 focused on astronomy. She had a strong emotional bond with her doctor and felt supported by her in her intellectual pursuits, but she was ultimately chosen to graduate rather than receive an ankar. Iris has a stutter that is made worse by her anxiety.

Iris was the only human of her group to develop a gender identity before graduation. She identifies as a girl and uses female human neopronouns in Compie Phonetic Standard, translated to she/her in English. In NK02 she begins transitioning physically and becomes the first human in over 500 years to undergo hormone replacement therapy.








‘Iris’ in CPS

‘Iris’ in CPS

Iris in NK:02 (age 23)

Iris in NK:02 (age 23)