“Just be here. Right here. And love me anyway.”

Xera in NK:01

Xera in NK:01

Species Compie (Litan)
Status Alive
Gender Closeted Man
Pronouns They/them (CPS formal), She/her (CPS intimate), He/him (CPS human)
Age 1455 (NK:01) 1455-1465 (NK:02)
Height 5’5”
Ethnicity Xera (Northern Coast)

Xera worked as the doctor of Zee and Tye on Level 2 of the SOL-0 Orbiter, raising them under two disparate personas. With Zee, Xera assumed the wire mother role of “Dr. Xera,” inscrutably stony and cold, in order to prepare Zee for the acquisition of an ankar and the cut-throat society of Compie academia. With Tye, alongside Xaveria, Xera assumed the cloth mother role of “Dr. Qunbix,” saccharine and maternal, in order to facilitate Tye’s social function as the mediator friend between the two true ankar contenders, Zee and Iris.

Xera was the Assistant Director to Director Kondoz, occupying the role immediately upon graduation from Zolitanya University in 1194 CE (age 99) until Kondoz’s death in 2550 CE (NK:01). Following Kondoz’s death, Xera was assigned to be Qurti’s Assistant Director by First Ankroti (NK:02).

While still an undergrad at ZU, Xera discovered human life on Earth, which Kondoz took credit for and used to earn Directorship as Director of Human Observation. Xera created the nanobot swarm technique used for the undetectable, up-close observation of a sapient species such as humans, which was presented as Xera’s thesis for graduation. Xera and Kondoz observed Earth for 850 years (from 1200 CE-2050 CE). During that time, the two of them performed the abductions of 27,000 humans for DNA collection, psychological probing, vivisection and dissections, and occasional prolonged experimentation.

On March 10th, 2045 CE, Xera detected the asteroid that would destroy Earth 5 years prior to the collision. Xera attempted to warn humans of the asteroid’s imminence without revealing Kondoz nor Xera’s existence. In retaliation, Kondoz imprisoned Xera until the Earth’s destruction on August 20th 2050 CE.

Xera has suffered from an attachment mutation their whole life. They have been isolated and gravely exploited in their efforts to keep their mutation from becoming public knowledge.

Xera has a human persona named Khunbish.








‘Xera’ [ksɛɹ̠-ɐ] **in CPS
Direct translation: ‘Cold One’

Xera’ [ksɛɹ̠-ɐ] **in CPS Direct translation: ‘Cold One

Xera in NK:02

Xera in NK:02